A long, hard, throbbing point

I’ve got a new article on the Sharpener about pornography and the stupidity of banning it.

A couple of things I found while researching the piece, but missed out because they were tasteless and irrelevant: "‘Grandma this is pornography!’ – these were the words I heard when my Granddaughter tried to get into one of her favorite teen websites", from these jokers. Personally, when I’m browsing my favourite teen websites, I don’t describe their content to my grandmother.

Also, I think Alberto Gonzales might have had some slightly bizarre experiences with pornography: he seems to be obsessed with stamping out alien women in bondage.

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Hendy-Freegard revisited

Robert Hendy-Freegard is very clearly a total bastard. He’s also a thief. The concept that he’s a kidnapper who deserves a life sentence, however, is absolute bullshit.

Falling in love with someone inappropriate is not something from which the law should protect you, unless you’re a child or mentally incapable. If your partner wishes to pretend they’re a spy, send you on bizarre errands and make you behave in an incredibly strange fashion, then he’s clearly a weirdo, and you should clearly dump him.

However, the idea that such a man is a Dangerous Threat who needs to be Put Away Forever is pathetic. Worse, it’s infantile: "ooh, that man did bad things, let’s punish him", ignoring the fact that his ‘victims’ were consenting adults.

SBBS’s key maxim is the Right To Fuck Up Your Own Life Through Your Own Utter Stupidity. This applies admirably to Mr Hendy-Freegard’s case.

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Prize quiz

I designed this for altogether different purposes, but it occurs to me that it’s a good web quiz. Email the answers to here; don’t post them in the comments section or I’ll kill yer. The winner wins something, possibly a copy of Babylon Zoo’s second album. Questions below the fold.

Q1) With what water-resistant implement was Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov murdered in London in 1978?

Q2) Why would a team made up of either James Joyce and Franz Kafka; Samuel Beckett and Milan Kundera; or Oscar Wilde and Vaclav Havel, be likely to win any literary beer-drinking contest?

Q3) Which Orangeman stood in Erewash at the last general election, on a manifesto of defending the Union?

Q4) What, according to Frankie, A) should and B) shouldn’t you do when you want to come?

Q5) According to Douglas Adams, what do you get if you multiply six by nine?

Q6) In which country can you buy a whaleburger for £1.92?

Q7) Which English king allegedly died of rectal red-hot-poker insertion?

Q8) According to Esquire Magazine, which tattoed, self-harming gay icon is the Sexiest Woman Alive?

Q9) Name the English-born Sick Boy and Hacker who was briefly married to the anwer for Q8.

Q10) According to a recent poll, how many British adults believe in vampires? (to +/- 50%)

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Galloway watch

I wonder if the Islamoconservative elements of Respect know about this? (NSFW…) [*]

[*] ie "not safe for work", or "grossly unpleasant and horrible".

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Not good at all

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that things are a bit messy in Iraq. However, the rocket scientists who are supplying the insurgency with armour-piercing charges are probably more aware of this than most.

The Yorkshire Ranter has a detailed summary of what’s going on. The insurgency now seems able to apply ruthless military discipline to the suicidal jihadi fanatics, as well as being endowed with hardcore military supplies.


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Stuck in the past

The Pine Marten thinks we’re still living in the 20th century. The defining event that ties up the loose ends from the previous century (with WWI being the C19-C20 example) hasn’t yet happened.

This would also explain why all the hottest bands of the moment sound like either cut-price Simple Minds impersonators or cut-price Killing Joke impersonators.

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Selling what you own

Anyone who belives manufacturers should be allowed to ban grey importing (Sony and your lawyers, this means you) is a moron and a filthy scumbag.

Feel free to attempt to justify bans on grey importing in the comments, although if you do so attempt without succeeding then this will definitionally make you a moron and a filthy scumbag.

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The best at arrogance

A thing which pisses me off about Americans, even liberal ones: whenever an impartial and respected organisation publishes a report which suggests the US may not be the leading global temple of human rights-y love, an awful lot of people (even the non-wingnuts) instantly dive in to slag off the report’s authors and criticise the countries ranked above the US.

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