A long, hard, throbbing point

I’ve got a new article on the Sharpener about pornography and the stupidity of banning it.

A couple of things I found while researching the piece, but missed out because they were tasteless and irrelevant: "‘Grandma this is pornography!’ – these were the words I heard when my Granddaughter tried to get into one of her favorite teen websites", from these jokers. Personally, when I’m browsing my favourite teen websites, I don’t describe their content to my grandmother.

Also, I think Alberto Gonzales might have had some slightly bizarre experiences with pornography: he seems to be obsessed with stamping out alien women in bondage.

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3 thoughts on “A long, hard, throbbing point

  1. The bloody arrogance of ‘those jokers’. They seem to think that America owns the internet. Now, while its unprecendented global power means that it can act as if it does, that is not to say that they ought to do or have a moral claim to.

  2. when I’m browsing my favourite teen websites, I don’t describe their content to my grandmother.

    You boring bastard. Give it a go, you (and she) might enjoy it.

    Another good article, obviously I agree with everything you say. I didn’t thoroughly read the links to the new law, though, but it sounds utterly unworkable from what you say…

  3. "alien women in bondage"

    Hello Google!

    I expect you’ll be getting visitors to your site using some rather unsavoury web searches. I keep getting people coming to my blog looking for "naked Raelian cult members". Strange.

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