Murdered for marijuana

At SBBS, we love the war on drugs. This is because we are sick bastards who enjoy seeing innocent people suffer and die. We also love the war on pornography. This is because we are sick bastards who enjoy seeing innocent people thrown into jail.

If you approve of drug and/or pornography prohibition, please make a coherent case for them in the comments (if your ‘coherent case’ mentions metaphysical bollocks such as God or ‘human dignity’, I’ll track down your IP address, come round your house, and fuck you up).

(side note: how can anyone claim with a straight face that the US is ‘more free’ than the UK?)

Links via the unmissable Vice Squad.

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Anyone who seriously thinks Trevor Beattie’s Labour posters were antisemitic (muppetry here, here, and everywhere) is an idiot.

Anyone who doesn’t seriously think this, but is raising false charges of antisemitism to tar their opponents while trivialising real antisemitism is… err… doing exactly what the Israeli right and its supporters do to anyone who thinks Israel should return to 1967 borders, so no great surprises there.

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Pension revisionism

I love the Adam Smith Institute. Err, sorry, what I meant to say was ‘I think the Adam Smith Institute are an absolute bunch of jokers’.

They’re trying to blame the UK pension funds crisis on Labour’s not very onerous pension taxation. My personal suggestion might be that it might be closer related to… oooh… the existence of a bloody great stock market bubble that artificially inflated returns for years, led to companies taking pension holidays they couldn’t afford, and made everyone believe they had adequate savings when they didn’t.

Presumably the reason for ASI’s sophistry is that the things that went wrong in the UK are pretty much inevitable if your pensions system is privatised. The claim ‘the UK system only went wrong because everyone involved was greedy and stupid’ wouldn’t necessarily inspire hope and optimism about Bush’s latest crazy rip-off.

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Bunch of Chappaquidicks

I’m not, as I may have said before [*], a person who normally wishes horrible fates on people. However, I would like to see how all the right-wingers who purport to hate Edward Kennedy over Chappaquidick would react if they were trapped in a sinking car.

I’m sure that every last one of them would do the brave and heroic thing and risk their own life to rescue the girl. And I’m sure that if they didn’t, then they’d feel they deserved exactly the same level of contempt and visceral abuse that they’ve visited on Senator Kennedy over the last 30 years.

After all, if they were to do otherwise, then they’d be vicious partisan hacks cynically exploiting a young woman’s death to attack someone with whose political views they disagree. I wouldn’t want to level such an accusation at my worthy adversaries.

[*] Generally in the context of wishing horrible fates on people. This in no way invalidates my assertion.

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I don’t understand the motivations driving criminal prosecutors, just as I don’t particularly understand the motivations driving axe-murderers. "Woo hoo, let’s devote my life to fucking up other people’s lives; it’ll be a laugh."

At least as a judge or magistrate, although you’ll have to horribly punish people, there’s generally scope to take their guilt or innocence into account. Prosecutors, as demonstrated admirably by the Kenny Richey case among thousands of others, really couldn’t care less; it’s all about getting a conviction.

Yes, I know that assorted right-wing persons will cite revenge as an important driver. This is because assorted right-wing persons are barbarous fucks. And yes, I also know prosecutors are necessary for the fucntioning of society. So are sewage workers and ratcatchers, and I’d question the motivations of anyone who did those jobs other than for the money (prosecution barristers, who do it for a great deal of money, are exempted from this rant…)

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Magnanimous in defeat

So only 15 of you voted for me in the AFOE awards? Wankers.

Just to punish you for that appalling lapse of taste, I’m going to continue posting fatuous nonsense and wrong-headed expletive-laden opinions on this site indefinitely.

Meanwhile, congratulations to the rather excellent, Sadly, No! and Slugger O’Toole, and also to the bunch of hopeless pisspoor nobodies who won the other categories, presumably through cheating (I mean, 200 votes for this tedious cack, coming ahead of the Head Heeb? Is it just cos she’s a girl who occasionally mentions shagging? If that’s what sways your blog-reading habits, either find a real partner or just look at porn, forchrissake…)

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