You can’t help but like the Guardian

Yes, this article is entirely based on sneering at Daily Mail readers’ lower-middle-class pretensions. But sneering at Daily Mail readers’ lower-middle-class pretensions is fun.

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3 thoughts on “You can’t help but like the Guardian

  1. John – that Guardian piece is about as funny as a blocked sink. You write better stuff than that.

    They should have got AL Kennedy to write it.

    PS – where are the Wicker Man snaps ?

  2. Very good, but one little sneer ("It all began last October when the Mail splashed all over the front page "FREE for every reader", a phrase now as synonymous with the paper as, say, ‘GM trials spawn super-weed’") was misplaced. For which newspaper recently carried the headline "GM crops created superweed, say scientists" (only for said scientist to write in and complain he never said anything of the sort)? Why, ’twas the Guardian…

  3. Was it supposed to be funny, though? If they wanted to sneer at Daily Mail readers, they could have imagined the tasteless crockery in a display case, together with a faded "Charles and Diana" cup and saucer, amid tiny, lead crystal figurines of woodland creatures.
    That’s how you do class snobbery.

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