7 thoughts on “Misunderstanding of the term ‘news service’

  1. An editorial board consisting of Glenn Reynolds, PowerLine, Lawrence Kudlow, Hugh Hewitt, Marc Cooper, Wretchard of the Belmont Club and Tim Blair</I>


  2. Yes, did you see the guy who pointed out that Marc Cooper was the only lefty got banned? Quick reorganisation on my blogroll followed (one in; one out).

    And also in the comments: ‘I worry that the "labor of love" aspect of blogging, which makes (some of) the product so pure and free of cant and posing may get lost.’

    I may have given myself a hernia.

  3. I suppose there’s no point in trying to explain what’s wrogn with this. Where do you begin??
    But how will it work, as a business model? What kind of money could there be in standing up to The Man, ie the oppressive status quo imposed by the liberal media? Haha

  4. Glenn Reynolds, PowerLine, Lawrence Kudlow, Hugh Hewitt, Marc Cooper, Wretchard of the Belmont Club and Tim Blair

    These idiots complain that that the Evil Liberal MSM is censorious and slanted, controlled by liberal elite.

    So what do these morons do? The propose a "news service" edited by the conservative "elite" of blogland, to give them only news they want. Fucking idiots.

    Of course, Roger L Simon thinks the term left/right, conservative/liberal and all that so old hat, and feigns surprise when people simply call a spade a spade and say he runs a right wing blog.

    He piously talks about democracy but bans dissent from his comment boxes, so it becomes an echochamber, a fan club.

    If you don’t believe me, check it out yourself. See how long it takes before you get banned. That’s of course, if you can stand the personal abuse.

  5. Yeah, Marc Cooper is the only moderate there. He will easily be voted down, and probably soon walk away from the idea anyway.

  6. Benjamin

    Don’t you think that after calling all these people "fucking idiots" it’s just a tad hypocritical to complain about the personal abuse you have received.

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