Well, no, they haven’t. But this is a fucking lame effort on the police’s part. A suggestion: policemen should stop worrying about trainspotters taking photos of them, and focus more on not shooting innocent people in the head (as the writer says, it’s lucky she wasn’t wearing a coat or carrying a rucksack…)
Cheers John, my thoughts exactly.
I currently feel a bit stupid about the whole thing really, but it’s amazing how some guy’s now trying to accuse me of "not helping the police" by my blog. Also amazing that I felt the need to defend myself. Bloody strange times we’re living in at the moment.
The Tube’s always been fairly sensitive about photography, hasn’t it? The TfL website seems to think you should ask two weeks in advance, and I’ve heard "put your camera away" announcements in tourist-heavy stations. On the other hand, I haven’t seen anyone asking the tourists to wipe their films.