Today’s Friday feature, inspired by the Onion, is "ask a man with a vicious throat infection who also had no sleep last night".
Q: Dear man who’s ill and had no sleep last night, what do you think of this fantasist? Also, when are you going to stop using the Biased BBC comments section as a source of cheap laughs?
A: Fuck off, I’m knackered and in pain.
Q: Dear man who’s ill and had no sleep last night, what do you think about the government’s outrageous and disgusting protest exclusion zone? Are you going to join the planned mass protests?
A: Fuck off, I’m knackered and in pain.
Q: Dear man who’s ill and had no sleep last night, what do you think about the Iranian presidential election? Do you believe the frothing wingnuts who believe President Rafsanjani has sworn to obliterate Israel the second Iran gets nukes, or are you actually able to read?
A: Fuck off, I’m knackered and in pain.
Q: Dear man who’s ill and had no sleep last night, have you noticed that all the food you normally like eating contains absolutely shedloads of chilli, and that it’s almost impossible to find non-bland, non-minging unchillified prepared food in London?
A: Yes. Ow. Zzz.