Final Europhobe-bashing

I love it when people state the obvious without realising it, as in this great comment from Biased-BBC:

"One of the things that I have noticed about the BBC’s selection of emails on their website is that their chosen posters present one side of the argument in short clear rational postings, and the other in scattered ranting "crazy retired colonel" screeds… Everyone for the EU sounds level-headed, and most posters against read like nutters… Is that really plausible?"


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5 thoughts on “Final Europhobe-bashing

  1. Very timely. I’ve sent Natalie an e-mail:

    SUBJ: Report proves BBC bias
    Many thanks for all your efforts to end biased reporting at the BBC. Now a report commissioned by the BBC’s own governors has shown the corporation is indeed biased (although the report is careful not to use that explosive word) and must reform it’s EU coverage. We should see real change before any EU referenda are announced.
    I can’t wait to see your take on this
    All best

  2. This is absolutely brilliant. If it came from any other site I wouldn’t have believed it.

    It is one of those things, like the Prescott punch, that cannot be made any funnier by satire.

  3. Heh heh heh- except that it really isn’t easy to make a realistically negative argument against such a ridiculously biased backdrop as that provided by the BBC (recently acknowledged in the report the BBC themselves commissioned). It’s perhaps the case that they have more than a few charicature-like contributions to deal with, but rather than chuckling to themselves and feeling satisfied that once again they have reflected the balance of opinion, they should ask a couple of questions of their lazy, self-satisfied selves. But fat chance of that, I think, independent reports notwithstanding.

    The BBC’s trouble is that they couldn’t identify a realistic and rational anti-EU argument if it hit them on the head.

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