My landlord has just given the gas boiler its annual inspection, accompanied by his pet CORGI. As a result, the heating and hot water have stopped working. I assume this is due to some tedious "not gassing people"-related nonsense.
Pleasingly, one of my flatmates in The Semi-Mythical Finsbury Park House has a mother who runs the All-England-Anti-People-Being-Gassed-By-Dodgy-Heaters-Because-I-Qualified-As-A-Lawyer-And-Am-Bored-Of-Being-A-Posh-Housewife-With-Nothing-Better-To-Do campaign. I’m hoping this will help us in the acquisition of lower rent…
did you not miss some dashes there in your rant? suerly it should have said:
The Semi-Mythical-Finsbury Park House-has-a-mother-who-runs the-All-England-Anti-People-Being-Gassed-By-Dodgy-Heaters-Because-I-Qualified-As-A-Lawyer-And-Am-Bored-Of-Being-A-Posh-Housewife-With-Nothing-Better-To-Do campaign.
Rather than; The Semi-Mythical Finsbury Park House has a mother who runs the All-England-Anti-People-Being-Gassed-By-Dodgy-Heaters-Because-I-Qualified-As-A-Lawyer-And-Am-Bored-Of-Being-A-Posh-Housewife-With-Nothing-Better-To-Do campaign.
Just a thought you know…
on second thoughts it should have been;
The Semi-Mythical-Finsbury Park House-has a mother who runs the all England-Anti-People-Being-Gassed-By-Dodgy-Heaters-Because-I-Qualified-As-A-Lawyer-And-Am-Bored-Of-Being-A-Posh-Housewife-With-Nothing-Better-To-Do campaign.
or something like that anyways
I vaguely recall a case in Hayes or Uxbridge where the gas board put an unsafe sticker on a boiler. Rather than get it repaired, the landlord pulled the sticker off, his tenants got gassed, and he went to prison.