Gulag redux

If you’re a decent American, for the love of God assassinate Congressman James Sensenbrenner for proposing the worst, most Stalinist law ever.

This kind of mad shit (two years *minimum* in jail for failing to grass up stoners to the cops; up to three years in jail for buying someone a bong) makes me positively glad that we merely live under NuLab’s mildly benevolent and tolerant tyranny…

Although just as I’m saying that, some poor bastard over here gets eight months inside for a stupid drunken bomb joke that wasn’t even made at a security check.

On the other hand, just as I’m saying *that*, I find that the Yanks have gone paranoidly mental about an aeroplane that clearly isn’t being hijacked, diverting it to Canada under fighter escort ("well, even though it isn’t being hijacked, we may as well divert it anyway so we can pretend our jobs are worthwhile. And who gives a fuck if it crashes into the Canadians?" is presumably the Yankish attitude here…)

Chill out, everybody. Terrorism isn’t worth worrying about; there are about four terrorists out there [*], and they’re all rubbish. There’s no fucking Evil Conspiracy, apart from the conspiracy to keep us scared and to create the kind of climate where people who joke about bombs get thrown in jail.

[*] Hyperbole, but more accurate than most of the estimates in the other direction.

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6 thoughts on “Gulag redux

  1. Aagh. a 10-year minimum sentence for anyone 21 or older that gives marijuana or others drugs to someone under 18… A second offense would be life in prison.

    Life??? Fucking life in prison for passing a joint?

    And the bizarre thing is that at the same time, US drug law is full of weird blindspots. For instance you can buy as much DXM as you like over the counter in any drugstore in the US, and that stuff will fuck you up far more than weed. It’s closer to ketamine or PCP.

  2. Jesus Christ, you know, I remember as an impressionable teenager being shocked by Solzhenitsyn’s run-through of Article 58 in the Gulag Archipelago. Never thought America would take it as an inspiration.

  3. John: I thought you loved stalinism. You are certainly an appologist for it.

  4. John: I thought you loved stalinism. You are certainly an appologist for it.

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