Countrypeople stupidity update

Anthony Wells has some bad news and some good news. Bad news: 3% of Brits believe in vampires. 71% believe in ‘the soul’. And 40% of British women believe that one can contact the dead. Good news: at least only 29% of us believe in the Devil (I mean, fucking hell: even vampires are more plausible…)

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5 thoughts on “Countrypeople stupidity update

  1. On a similar topic, I am always amused when I read the biographical details that some bloggers display on their sites, in the mistaken belief that anyone gives a rat’s arse, which almost always includes their astrological sign! What brings a wry smile to my bitter face, is the undoubted fact that almost all of these people would sneer at people who believe in the soul.

  2. On a vaguely similar topic, I now have a blog.

    It doesn’t have my star sign on it. In fact, I might do a quick post about that…

  3. David,

    ..almost always includes their astrological sign! What brings a wry smile to my bitter face, is the undoubted fact that almost all of these people would sneer at people who believe in the soul.

    Yes that’s me. (Subject to my mood replace "sneer at" with "take issue with"). But the "profile" bit of my blog is designed by and not by me. I assure you that (i) if I could remove the worthless information that my star-sign is virgo and my "zodiac year" is "horse", I would; and (ii) I sneer at/take issue with people who believe in astrology every but as much as those who believe in the soul.

  4. ‘N.I.B.’, I whizzed over to your site which, despite the typeface being too tiny for my old eyes, looked splendid. I was going to leave you a comment but then fell into the morass of signing up for some ‘msn’ nonsense in which they asked all sorts of impertinent questions. Can’t you switch to Typepad, or even Blogger?

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