Sean O’Neill: a cock and a fantasist

"A WEEK after the conviction of Kamel Bourgass, it has become fashionable to sneer that there never was a ricin plot and the murder of Detective Constable Stephen Oake was the work of a psychopath." – yes, that’s because it’s true.

"The armchair commentators who spread this view… would never dream of leaving their gated communities to set foot in the Algerian cafés of Finsbury Park" – strange, I could have sworn I lived 100 yards from the Algerian cafés of Finsbury Park, and went to one at the weekend.


Oh, the inspiration for this post is that O’Neill also wrote this hack job based on the fictional Respect-smearing story from Harry’s Place, plus these dodgy pieces of hackery (cheers Lenin…)

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One thought on “Sean O’Neill: a cock and a fantasist

  1. Coincidentally, I almost popped into an Algerian café in Finsbury Park over the weekend too. But sadly my hankering for a syrupy sweet dessert and strong coffee had to remain unsated as I’d miscalculated the time, and had to hurry down to the Odeon on Holloway Road lest I miss the start of the film.

    And as for my "gated community"… I’ve been trying to get them to erect a wall around Walthamstow for ages now! But will they listen…?!

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