Slowdown alert

Having a vaguely existent out-of-work life again has made me much more interested/angry/pleased/upset about things that aren’t politics and business, and rather less interested in things that are. And I really don’t want to turn SBBS into a livejournal where I rant about friends, love, etc – if only because I know that half the people I’d be talking about would then read about it here, and get annoyed.

So posting going forward is likely to be slower than it has been over the last few months, at least until the new job becomes as long-hour-ishly life-destroying as the old one (probably a couple of weeks, then).

Oh, and Chrissie Hapmass. I hope Satan brings you all a sack containing an army of clones of Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie.

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