Left behind

It would have been better not to have invaded Iraq in the first place. But we did, and everyone concerned has to deal with the consequences. If US/UK forces were to leave the country, then even more people would die in the resulting chaos than already have, and the resulting non-state would become a terrorist base of choice.

It’s not particularly surprising, then, that Iraq’s trade unions support the occupation for now. It is a little surprising, even now, that the Stop the War people are denouncing the Iraqi unions as quislings for daring to support Iyad Allawi and Jack Straw rather than the ‘resistance’.

STWC are bizarre. It’s almost as if, having been proven right about the unwisdom of starting the war, they’ve set out on a mission to ensure they emerge with no more credit or credibility than anyone else concerned – right down to the US administration.

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One thought on “Left behind

  1. Denouncing the IFTU is not the same as "denouncing Iraqi trade unions" – the IFTU does not represent all Iraqi trade unionists. (Frankly, the whole thing seems fragmented and confused, but the other major union federation, the Federation of Workers’ Councils and Unions of Iraq, does not support collaborating with the interim government/occupation.)

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