I’ve finally added an RSS feed for SBBS, so those of you who can’t face the appalling colour scheme any more no longer need to. It’s on the far right, like Peter Cuthbertson.
For people who want to dwell and extend their visits, I’ve also added a highly exciting “referrers” page. You too can find out that most people who visit the site find it by googling for porn and/or decapitation, and that nearly all of them use MSIE.
And for people who are *really* impressed or annoyed by this site, I’ve finally (sort of) added an email address. You too can join my ex-partners, co-workers, friends and family in sending me abuse and death threats.
Update: I’ve also added proper archiving, and fixed a few other things that needed fixing. Finally the site has approximately the functionality I wanted in the first place…