…and we have a new favourite election campaign

I haven’t been following the Ontario elections: much as I love Canada and the Canadian people, the influence of Canadian state elections on, well, me, is pretty limited. (I have, however, been following the California campaign – does that make me US-biased? Will Canadians everywhere uprise against my imperialism?)

Anyway, I’m starting to regret not following Canadian politics. How can you not love an election campaign where one candidate describes another as an “evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet“?

I wonder if this was a reference to David Icke‘s reptilian conspiracy theories? I’m led to believe his ideas are in wide circulation in Canada.

Of course, David’s talking nonsense. Everyone knows that the secret cabal controlling the world is actually made up of Jews Zionists Mossad communists Eurocrats neoconservatives liberals the extended Bush-Bin Laden family the UN… we’ll get back to you on that one, OK?

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