To be honest, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I’m quite an unsympathetic type of person, and would be supremely ungrateful if they did.
]]>The Lancet study was nothing more than an exit poll, and suffers from the classic problems such surveys always do (I think Mr. Kerry is still crying over the ones that said he was coasting to a "landslide"). Cheifly among them, people representing one side of the potential findings (here "no deaths") just up and tell the pollsters to fuck off, I don’t have the time and I don’t like you anyway, gringo. Of course, the group on the other side (here "deaths") not only wants to talk with a pollster they want to talk to three, and make sure they know where that third cousin Habib lives in the process.
So go on, keep clamouring about how "the statistics are impeccable". You’re probably right, and it’s still shit. You’re just embarassing yourselves trying to continue such nonsense.
]]>People might have more sympathy for you if you hadn’t commented here a couple of months ago (can’t be assed to find it but will look if you deny it) that your longterm aim was to be banned from Harry’s Place.
Isn’t that an admission of being a troll? How does that square with your statements of indignation above?
Just askin’.
]]>Ohhhhh. Yes I did that too, more by accident than anything else. Ah weel.
]]>There seems to be a flexible deletion/banning policy on people who mention Harry’s Stalinist past, too. Not that the relevant evidence isn’t available through Google already.
]]>That is, to be honest, my big problem with the HP deletion policy. The posts they delete are by no means the content-free flames; I have plenty of them still up. They delete posts (mine anyway) that actually argue against them. I made two factual corrections on the Venezuela thread and they got deleted (the errors are still there AFAICT). Deleting people who make arguments against you and leaving the morons alone to make it look like a) you tolerate dissent and b) all the people who argue against you are morons is IMO pretty sleazy.
]]>Just saying, like.