Don’t you think that after calling all these people "fucking idiots" it’s just a tad hypocritical to complain about the personal abuse you have received.
]]>These idiots complain that that the Evil Liberal MSM is censorious and slanted, controlled by liberal elite.
So what do these morons do? The propose a "news service" edited by the conservative "elite" of blogland, to give them only news they want. Fucking idiots.
Of course, Roger L Simon thinks the term left/right, conservative/liberal and all that so old hat, and feigns surprise when people simply call a spade a spade and say he runs a right wing blog.
He piously talks about democracy but bans dissent from his comment boxes, so it becomes an echochamber, a fan club.
If you don’t believe me, check it out yourself. See how long it takes before you get banned. That’s of course, if you can stand the personal abuse.
]]>And also in the comments: ‘I worry that the "labor of love" aspect of blogging, which makes (some of) the product so pure and free of cant and posing may get lost.’
I may have given myself a hernia.