I would claim to be a libertarian, but I don’t believe the poor should starve or that everyone should have their own tank.
(also it sounds a bit too like "librarian" or "Liberian" for me to be comfortable with it. I suspect a country run by libertarians would be more dangerous but more fun than a counry run by librarians, and less dangerous and more fun than a country run by Liberians. In the latter case I’m judging by the example of Liberia, which may be unfair…)
]]>In short, it’s just like Libya, but with more of a motive (revenge for American shootdown of Iranian passenger plane), more terror-backing form, and more secret dealings with members of the governments of the time.
]]>There’s no great shortage of evidence implicating Iran, no shortage of reasons why the governments at the time would have preferred to hold Libya responsible, and some shortage of published evidence against Libya (and yes, I have read the Scottish court proceedings – the judges in the trial used the strangest definition of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ I’ve ever seen…).
For all I know, there might be an enormous wodge of secret intelligence material proving that Colonel Q was the man behind it all – or that he wasn’t. But it wasn’t produced at the trial, and hasn’t been produced since.