Cue witless jibe.
]]>However, if you are fighting a terrorist enemy, the major difficulty lies in knowing who the enemy actually is. You can adopt the knee jerk deport-the-wogs approach and say every Moslem is the enemy. This does nothing other than to ensure that every Moslem WILL become your enemy, even if they weren’t to start with. America seems unable to figure this one out, sadly.
If you think that Suspect A is plotting against you, then you can observe him and collect evidence (or arrest him immediately if he’s about to do something). When you have enough evidence, you arrest and charge him. If the court convicts, fine. If not, you have to accept it.
You cannot, however, go around assassinating people as a convenient shortcut. If you don’t have the evidence to convict him, how can you be sure he’s actually a threat? If your evidence is from "secret" sources and you don’t want to reveal it in court, how do you know how reliable that evidence is? You can’t just lock him up without trial, charge or evidence, because this flouts the rule of law and achieves exactly what the terrorist wants – the erosion of our liberties.
It is not enough to imprison or assassinate on the word of a state official. If you think that’s ok, ask yourself how YOU would feel if YOUR son/brother/husband/father/whatever was locked up on evidence neither of you were able to see, with no charge being brought and with no idea when (or if) he was going to be set free. Or even worse, shot. How WOULD you feel? But surely, it’s ok because the state says so, eh?
Think harder.
]]>Yes. However, there is a difference between on the one hand killing the enemy in a defined and lawful war, and on the other assassinating people on the street because you think they might be plotting against you.