Knowledgeable commentators

Richard at EU Referendum says, "knowledgeable commentators are pointing to 1970 when the pundits confidently predicted a Wilson victory, only to find Heath standing at the door of No. 10 the next day".

I’m confidently asserting that Richard is a deranged fanatic, not a knowledgable commentator. I also confidently predict that anyone mad enough to believe the Tories are going to win tonight should be sectioned and given extreme ECT.

If I’m wrong, I’ll send UKIP a cheque for £25…

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4 thoughts on “Knowledgeable commentators

  1. So if we can prove any of the following are true you’ll give UKIP £25,

    Richard is not a deranged fanatic.
    Richard is a knowledgable commentator.
    A person who shouldn’t be sectioned and given extreme ECT believes the Tories will win.

    I think this calls for pledgebank – "I will give UKIP £25 if 20 million people vote Tory (1 so far, 20 million needed)".

  2. If you add an additional premise "someone who is a deranged fanatic cannot be classed as a knowledgable commentator, even if they have read a great deal of stuff as well as being deranged", I reckon I’m on safe ground.

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