Feed me now

Apparently I’ve now got a LiveJournal feed. So if you use LiveJournal, you can, err, I don’t know, do something or other with it.

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13 thoughts on “Feed me now

  1. It means that LJ users can add you to their ‘friends’ list so that your RSS entries appear on there. It’s for those too lazy to visit your site on the off chance that you’ve written something new, and yet too lazy to download a proper RSS reader.

  2. A paid user has to create a syndication account on LJ.

    The composition of LJ is:
    1/3 angst-ridden 15-year old Tori Amos fans
    1/3 goths whose journals are entirely black
    1/3 anime obsessives

  3. Spaces after the = also aren’t good. If you follow the format of the Google link immediately below the comment box, all will (in theory) be happy.

  4. Sodomy. Not that I have the faintest idea what I’m doing, but
    your system keeps deleting my " before the final >, which seems unfair of it.

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