Backing Blair

"Replace Bliar with whomever you choose before the election, and we’ll withdraw from the field." – Tim Ireland articulates his demands

I’m still sceptical about the Tory-vote-recommending side of Backing Blair: if Labour looks at the election results and sees a swing to the Tories (for whatever reason), it’s unlikely to send party strategists in a less knee-jerk, populist and insane direction.

However, I heartily endorse voting Liberal, Green, Plaid, SNP, or even Respect rather than for the current lot. Not because I have any great desire to see the latter four increase their political power, but because all would send Labour the correct message.

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One thought on “Backing Blair

  1. In a thoughtless moment at the weekend, I put this point of view forward to my mother-in-law, and was subjected to a twenty minute rant about how that was actually a vote for the tories. I am going to give her your URL to get her off my back :).

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