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Comments on: Absolute class http://sbbs.johnband.org/2005/04/absolute-class/ As fair-minded and non-partisan as Torquemada. Wed, 07 Mar 2012 07:16:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: FBB http://sbbs.johnband.org/2005/04/absolute-class/#comment-3504 Mon, 02 May 2005 11:19:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=1023#comment-3504 They’re probably also teaching pronunciation so that, sooner or later, you either
a) get someone you can actually understand trying to sell you something or
b) get someone you can actually understand still telling you that the 50 pound charge on your account is lawful and not unreasonable when you’ve gone 4p overdrawn.
