
Anyone who seriously thinks Trevor Beattie’s Labour posters were antisemitic (muppetry here, here, and everywhere) is an idiot.

Anyone who doesn’t seriously think this, but is raising false charges of antisemitism to tar their opponents while trivialising real antisemitism is… err… doing exactly what the Israeli right and its supporters do to anyone who thinks Israel should return to 1967 borders, so no great surprises there.

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3 thoughts on “Obvious

  1. I wouldn’t put it past Trevor Beattie (what a cnut, eh?) to have deliberately stirred up the furore, particularly the "Fagin" jobbie, in order to get the point of Howard’s Jewishness into all the papers. There’s a lot of working-class antisemitism in London.

  2. The posters were anti-semitc how can putting a msulim or a jew on such aposter not be anti-semitic. What is wrong withy being snetive. You can insult all jews just because of Israel, Thta is like insulting all Muslims just because iof 9/11 or sinulting all Christians because of the USA.

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