Oh, for fuck’s sake

At the risk of diverging from my mission of being Europe’s best political weblog, I’m going to enter LiveJournal territory for an evening. Apologies.

So, when I’m leaving Manchester forever tomorrow [*], and it’s my birthday, and I’m left spending an hour trying to find a cab with the one (ex-gf-excluded) friend from Mancs that I’m incredibly close to, and I’m really not interested in her sexually, and we eventually find a cab, and we drop her off first even though it’s quicker the other way because minicab drivers are shady and I don’t trust them in the slightest, do I have to reflexively say goodbye to her by saying "Love you"? How fucking pathetic, moronic, and most distressingly not even what I secretly meant is that?

Or is it what I secretly meant? Bloody hell. I thought life would get *easier* after leaving my appalling job…

[*] Or today, UK time.

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5 thoughts on “Oh, for fuck’s sake

  1. Not pathetic. Just coz you didn’t meant it in the Hollywoodesque bollocks way of it doesn’t mean you don’t. Were you drunk? (stupid question) In vino veritas and all that jazz. (that saying is a complete loads of bollocks but aaanyway).

    Happy Birthday! One more year young. Heh.

  2. Oh yeah, happy birthday JB. Does this mean we’ll not read your expert opinions on marketing in the Economist ever again? Even when they spell your name right?

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