
I have no idea what the original drunken sort-of-French sort-of-lyrics nonsense I posted here was.

Then again, it was posted at 4AM on New Year’s Eve/Day, so I’m not too embarrassed about its pisshead qualities. I’m far more embarrased at the fact that on waking hungoverly at 9AM I’m checking the web and email for traces of embarrassing last-night activities…

Happy New Year, anyway.

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3 thoughts on “Blimey

  1. Literally yes. Perhaps "I have no idea what the original drunken sort-of-French sort-of-lyrics nonsense I posted here was about/for/provoked by" would have been a more accurate thing to say…

  2. You should disappear into the backwoods of Britain when you have a few days on the sauce, preventing inappropriate blog posts, and even embarrassing late night mobile phone calls.

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