I hate the Scots

It’s 3:30pm and it’s practically dark. This is rubbish. We should move the UK to a more civilised time zone; I really don’t give a monkey’s about Scots’ complaints that they’d have to go to work in the dark, or feed their cows in the dark, or do something equally non-onerous. Go buy a torch, you whinging Jock twats.

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5 thoughts on “I hate the Scots

  1. The weather was really, really shit today, but I must confess, I’ve never understood this idea. Do scottish cows carry watches?

    Give us triple summer time, and double winter time… just give me daylight in my leisure time, for fuck’s sake! We have lightbulbs at work!

  2. well scotland created great britain, james the 1st was the first king of both scotland and england, and he was scottish. So scotland invented great britain, so bow down to your creators.

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