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Comments on: Conservative logic http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/10/conservative-logic/ As fair-minded and non-partisan as Torquemada. Wed, 07 Mar 2012 07:16:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: john b http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/10/conservative-logic/#comment-904 Fri, 22 Oct 2004 06:08:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=535#comment-904 You’re right. ‘Predictable’ would’ve been a better word.

And a man can’t give birth to a pebble.

By: Michael http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/10/conservative-logic/#comment-903 Fri, 22 Oct 2004 04:51:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=535#comment-903 classic...]]> The point was the astonishing idiocy of the quote’s logic.

Given the source, why the astonishment?

And for those who need a reminder of the absurd positions that young Peter has got himself into in the past through applying his own peculiar brand of logic to the real world, here’s a classic

By: Nutter Watch http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/10/conservative-logic/#comment-901 Thu, 21 Oct 2004 07:17:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=535#comment-901 Trying to find Mark Steyn’s original comments so I can be sure whether the loon is Peter in his spin, or if he’s just parroting someone else’s idiocy.

By: Ista http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/10/conservative-logic/#comment-894 Wed, 20 Oct 2004 08:44:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=535#comment-894 Imagine a country that puts the health of its citizens and security of its workers before building large bombs. It’s just unthinkable. I think he does both the US and Europe a disservice with that comment.

Incidentally, Terry ‘who’s your crack dealer’ is rather amusing in a special kind of way.
