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Comments on: Silly Odeon http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/07/silly-odeon/ As fair-minded and non-partisan as Torquemada. Wed, 07 Mar 2012 07:16:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Gilbert http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/07/silly-odeon/#comment-339 Thu, 19 Aug 2004 19:18:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=283#comment-339 Is he disabled or not?
Is he pretending to be disabled?
I’m very confused reading about this story.

By: Mr Lance Edwards http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/07/silly-odeon/#comment-312 Mon, 16 Aug 2004 12:47:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=283#comment-312 Well, the Odeon website works fine for me. Have they copied the disabled boys work (surely that would also be against the internet law! You cannot have it both ways), or have they finally got around to updating their site? Here in the US, there would be many disabled and Jewish charities who would help fight a case like this. The local networks would run and run with a story like this – with some sad pictures of the disabled boy, next to his computer with a blank screen.

By: Dave Cross http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/07/silly-odeon/#comment-295 Tue, 10 Aug 2004 06:44:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=283#comment-295 This meme about Matthew Somerville being a disabled boy is getting a bit too prevalent. Maybe Snopes should be informed :)

By: Judy Hipkiss http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/07/silly-odeon/#comment-270 Mon, 26 Jul 2004 06:55:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=283#comment-270 Odeon’s actions are shocking, I’m surprised that they actually have the legal power to get a disabled boys computer project unloaded from the worldwide internet system. I read elsewhere that he was made to put all his work in the recycle bin as well. Did it have a virus on it or something?
Anyway, to pick on the disabled simply isn’t on.

By: matt http://sbbs.johnband.org/2004/07/silly-odeon/#comment-268 Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:51:00 +0000 http://sbbs.johnband.org/?p=283#comment-268 Followed your link in my comments section to here. Don’t get me wrong, I think Marketeers are devious people and I don’t think it’s especially fantastic to make a living convincing people to buy things they don’t really need. That said, I’d be good at it and my moral scruples must be weighed against my need to make a living. Also, I don’t think there are many jobs that don’t involve getting money off someone, somewhere. I’ve actually sent an e-mail to Odeon myself.
