The dog ate my conspiracy

I wonder if the “the UN is unspeakably corrupt and Jacques Chirac took oil-for-food bribes” meme will be hit by the news that the Chalabi crony who broke the news has ‘lost all the evidence in a computer crash’?

I remember a few school and university deadlines where I ‘lost my completed essay in a computer crash’. I don’t think my teachers were terribly convinced then – and I’m not even wanted for fraud (nor have I ever lied to lead a country into war…)

Update: oops, forgot to hat tip the splendid Josh Marshall.

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4 thoughts on “The dog ate my conspiracy

  1. Maybe you should check out this article from May 27th, John. The D.T. -my DNOC when I choose- has been going downhill faster than a late entrant into a village cheese-rolling competition. I agree with Josh it’s incredibly disjointed journalism.

    So much for news emerging ‘last night’.

    As for what it all means- dirty trick or convenient excuse-I think that we’re meant to be kept guessing about that by whoever is dictating the game.

    I know who has the muscle on their side.

  2. Surely the Yanks have the muscle in Iraq, not the UN? Unless that’s the point, in which case I’m mighty confused. Maybe I should do a Masters in Kremlinology…

  3. I did in fact mean US ‘muscle’- because every indication is that the decision-makers do not want to humiliate the UN or antagonise Russia or France, for reasons of pragmatism. I suppose they have to win a war, and ten billion was only significant in the particular context of Saddam and the UN- it’s peanuts by comparison with the US economy, though the trade was useful at the time for French and Russian interests. Besides, there were US and British interests too- just not as many or on the same scale.

    I think that the moral outrage brigade is very small by comparison with the political interests at stake.

    Hope that’s clear.

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